Most people are aware of this hack, and now we know the enormous impact it created, at least for United Health.
In our industry one of the most important conversations we had with clients as a result of this hack went something like this.....
Client: "What are we supposed to do?"
REAL: "What did you do before using this service?"
Client: "Various answers depending on age of the business"
REAL: "Could you utilize that process again for now?"
Client: "I guess, that would be a pain, maybe even impossible"
REAL: "What if its your only option?"
Client: "Then we do it, we have to, we don't have a choice"
REAL: "Are there other services/software that would create this much stress if all the sudden you couldn't utilize them?"
Client: "Several....I don't want to think about that.."
REAL: "I understand, but if we talk about options, train to alternatives, and work our backup plans then WHEN disaster strikes, you pivot instead of panic"
Client: "Right, ok that does sound good, we should get serious about our strategy"
#itwonthappentome is over, its gone, its dead. Its not IF you will have to deal with a Cyber Attack, personally or professionally its WHEN. I encourage everyone, business owner or not, get serious about your strategy. Learn, plan, mitigate risk, get insurance, harden the target, stay vigilant!
Harden the Target, stay Vigilant!
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