Infrastructure security is an interesting topic. Since WWII the west has been enamored with this idea of a peaceful and enterprising planet (in totality). Unfortunately for the idealistic westerner not everyone is playing along.

The US Coast Guard has issued directives to port operators on both coast concerning Chinese manufactured STS cranes.

The latest warnings come on the heals of investigations which started in 2023 when the FBI discovered intelligence collection devices on cranes in the port of Baltimore. Subsequent research and evidence collection has uncovered some uncomfortable realities.

80% of US critical sea port cranes are Chinese manufactured.

Chinese companies are Entirely beholden to the CCP (Chinese Communist Party).

The House Committee on Homeland Security investigation uncovered remote access vulnerabilities built in to cranes nationwide, and warns that the cranes could be a critical weakness in our defensive infrastructure if they were compromised.

Do you find this alarming? Surprising? Boring?

Unfortunately the prevalence of foreign manufacturing post WWII has inoculated us culturally to the risk such trade poses when it comes to sovereignty and control of critical technology/infrastructure.

There are times when free exchange of information and ideas is wonderful and obviously beneficial to man kind. There are other times when we need to carefully consider whether we are taking our roles as stewards of this great nation seriously.

#HardentheTarget #StayVigilant