Easy to read this story and see a win for the good guys.....
However, hear me out.
If you take time to read the article you will discover that what the FBI actually DID was take control of the criminal malware server and utilize that server to destroy its own (the criminals) malware downstream on thousands of infected computers.
They did what the criminals did in order to thwart the criminals. Isn't that a fun moral zone. Right up there with undercover work and espionage.
Now don't go reading into what I just wrote and making assumptions about my belief systems. No point in deep diving into that abyss. I am fully in support of undercover policing (I think those individuals are insanely unsung) and espionage (internationally). That being said, I am also FULLY aware of the incredibly complex and precarious ethical, legal and logistical nightmare operating in these areas IS.
I think it is important that we as a community acknowledge the difficult and dangerous nature of warfare in cyber space. Make no mistake, it is warfare. Period. With all of the dangers and long term impacts. Hopefully the more we converse, reconcile, and course correct along the way, the more pit falls we can avoid.