Our Free Cyber Security Risk Assessment Will Give You
The Answers You Want, The Certainty You Need

This assessment will give you an unbiased cyber security risk score, and validation from a qualified third party on whether or not you are protected against ransomware and other cybercrime attacks.

Here’s How It Works: At no cost or obligation, one of my lead consultants and I will come to your office and conduct a non-invasive, CONFIDENTIAL investigation of your computer network, backups and security protocols. Your current IT company or guy DOES NOT NEED TO KNOW we are conducting this assessment. Your time investment is minimal: one hour for the initial meeting and one hour in the second meeting to go over our Report Of Findings.

When this Risk Assessment is complete, you will know:

  • If your and your employees’ login credentials are being sold on the Dark Web (I can practically guarantee one or more are… THIS will shock you). Thanks to a new threat intelligence and ID-monitoring service we subscribe to, we can run a report on YOUR company and see what credentials are actively being sold on the Dark Web, which is a part of the World Wide Web accessible only by means of special software, allowing operators to remain completely and totally anonymous and untraceable, used by the most notorious cybercrime rings around the world.
  • IF your IT systems and data are truly secured from hackers, cybercriminals, viruses, worms and even sabotage by rogue employees. If you’re not getting weekly security updates from your current IT person, your systems probably aren’t secure. You should also know that antivirus software and most firewalls are grossly inadequate against the sophisticated attacks now happening.
  • IF your current backup would allow you to be back up and running again fast if ransomware locked all your files. In 99% of the computer networks we’ve reviewed over the years, the owners were shocked to learn the backup they had would NOT survive a ransomware attack. Ransomware is designed to infect your backups as well, leaving you defenseless. There are only a handful of backup systems that will prevent this from happening.
  • Whether your employees truly know how to spot a phishing e-mail. We will actually put them to the test. We’ve never seen a company pass 100%. Never.
  • If your IT systems, backups, policies and procedures are in sync with compliance requirements for [HIPAA/GLBA/SOX/etc.].

If we DO find problems…overlooked security loopholes, inadequate backups, credentials that have been compromised, out-of-date firewall and antivirus software and (often) active malware…on one or more of the PCs in your office, we will propose an Action Plan to remediate the situation that you can have us implement for you if you choose. Again, I want to stress that EVERYTHING WE DISCUSS AND DISCOVER WILL BE STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL.

Please Do NOT Just Shrug This Off
(What To Do Now)

I know you are extremely busy and there is enormous temptation to discard this, shrug it off, worry about it “later” or dismiss it altogether. That is, undoubtedly, the easy choice…but the easy choice is rarely the RIGHT choice. This I can guarantee: at some point, you WILL HAVE TO DEAL WITH A CYBER SECURITY EVENT.

Hopefully you’ll be brilliantly prepared for it and experience only a minor inconvenience at most. But if you wait and do NOTHING, I can practically guarantee that the attack on your business will be far more costly, disruptive and devastating.

You’ve spent a lifetime working hard to get where you are today. Don’t let some lowlife thief operating outside the law in another country get away with taking that from you. And certainly don’t “hope” your IT guy has you covered. Get the facts and be certain you are protected.

  • Complete This Form To Claim Your Cyber Security Risk Assessment

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Important! We hate spam as much (or more!) than you and promise to NEVER rent, share, or abuse your e-mail address and contact information in any way.

Here Are Just A Few Other CEOs We’ve Helped:

We Highly Recommend REAL, Very Friendly And Knowledgeable Staff Of Folks!

Emailing support has a quick response time which is always a good thing. Any techs we talk to are knowledgeable and always helpful; and if we need on-site, REAL does a great job for us!

I think we get good information – as far as explaining the issues and what is best to correct them. It is always easy to understand when relayed back to us.

We highly recommend REAL, very friendly and knowledgeable staff of folks!

Sara Noland Sellersburg, IN
Designing Smiles, P.S.C.
It’s Hard To Find A Company That Truly Cares About Their Clients And REAL Does!!

REAL does such a great job of taking care of our problems in a timely manner.

It is great to have full support at my fingertips and not have to worry if every little thing I call about it going to be charged to us. It is nice to feel like I can call and the techs will fix it and our issues are covered under our service agreement.

Other IT companies in the past I have found some of the Tech’s are not familiar with Dexis or Dentrix or Easy Dental and that is a barrier that is a challenge to overcome. I like the fact that REAL techs are all familiar with our software.

It’s hard to find a company that truly cares about their clients and REAL does!!!

Dr. Brucken Lafayette, IN
Comfort Dental of Lafayette
REAL’s Continued Commitment To The Performance And Safety Of Our System Is Well Worth The Monthly Fees.

REAL sends a report on the status of all our computers which is very helpful from a budgeting standpoint and will certainly keep me informed about planning for updates. I appreciate the daily reports on our offsite backup. It’s important to me to know that we are protected from data loss.

The most important aspect of Total Care is knowing that REAL is always watching and updating our network as needed. It would be impossible for me or our team to be able to stay up to date on safety, security, and day to day performance of our computer system as well as all of our digital equipment. REAL’s continued commitment to the performance and safety of our system is well worth the monthly fees.

Dr. Mark Gleixner Greenwood, IN
REAL Is Always Prompt To Find A Solution!

We are a very busy, multi-doctor pediatric dentist office that schedules 90+ patients a day.  For years we had numerous, reoccurring problems with our computer network.  Since REAL “tweaked our network system,” our 30+ network stations are running smoothly with minimal problems.

On those rare occasions that we have a problem arise, REAL is prompt to find a solution.  They have been aptly handling all of our “IT” needs as well as our daily back-ups for over 5 years!!!

Drs. J. Stritikus and J. Robbins Dickson, Tennessee
Dickson Pediatric Dentistry
There Is A General Sense That Someone Is Aware Of Our System And They Are Monitoring It So I Don't Have To.

I like the automated reports so that I can see my data backup. There is a general sense that REAL is aware of our system and they are monitoring it so I don't have to. Some previous firms we had used were not as responsive and not a full time dedicated IT firm, more like a part time venture.

How could you do this yourself and how could you stay on top of things? Who should you trust? Then look at the years of experience that REAL has, especially with dental clients.

Dr. Matthew Martin Fishers, IN
Martin Dentistry